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Positional Round Tables
Our signature "Round Tables" feature an expert guest who presents on the nuances and techniques of their respective positions. We bring together players and coaches from both sides of the ball to further enhance and foster discussion. These are great opportunities for learning and networking with some of the best coaches in the country.
Online Clinics and "Chalk Talks"
Topics will range from but are not limited to:
Schemes and Coaching Points
Drills and Technique
Practice Planning
Game Planning
After Action Reports
Staff Development
Player Evaluations
Winning Situational Football
Team Culture
David Walker: in your huddle
This is an opportunity for you and your staff to pick my brain about all things football. This 50 minute session with myself and you and/or members of your staff will give you the chance to ask me questions where I will use my 20+ years of experience to provide expert analysis and feedback.
Some of the teams represented in our Round Tables:
LA Chargers
Green Bay Packers
New Orleans Saints
Detroit Lions
Miami Dolphins
NY Jets
Cleveland Browns
Las Vegas Raiders
Ohio State
Northwestern University
University of Arizona
Syracuse University
Wake Forest
University of Utah
Indiana University
James Madison
Miami (OH)
University at Albany
University at Buffalo
Marshall University
University of Akron
Sacramento State
San Jose State

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